Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Cryptographic Techniques for Pervasive and Mobile Computing

Question: Discuss about theCryptographic Techniques for Pervasive and Mobile Computing. Answer: Abstract The utilization of the cryptographic algorithms in the transmission of the message or information is extremely important. The utilization of the cryptographic algorithms keeps the data safe and confidential such that it can be viewed only by the intended receiver. The topic of cryptographic techniques is selected for the research proposal as it ensures that the integrity and confidentiality of the data or message is maintained during the transmission. The data can suffer from various types of attacks during its transmission such as masquerading, replay, denial of service, and others (Boneh Franklin, 2016). Thus, the data needs to be encrypted by the sender and decrypted by the intended recipient. Cryptography involves the utilization of complex mathematical logics that can be implemented to design complex encryption algorithms so as to prevent the vital data or information from the attackers. The violation of the security of the transmitted data led to the evolution of the cryptogra phic techniques. More research need to be performed so as to device more complex cryptographic algorithms that cannot be decrypted by the third party. The cryptographic algorithms such as Advanced Encryption Standards and Ceaser cipher convert the plain text into cipher text which is then transmitted to the recipient. These algorithms are complex and difficult to encrypt without the key (Ogiela, 2016). Furthermore, there are more areas to be discovered which includes the symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography which requires a shared and private key respectively to decrypt the cipher text and obtain the plaintext. Reference Boneh, D., Franklin, M. (2016).U.S. Patent No. 9,356,779. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Ogiela, L. (2016). Cryptographic techniques of strategic data splitting and secure information management.Pervasive and Mobile Computing,29, 130-141.

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